Jerrold M. Grodin, M.D., FACC
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Prior to joining the UTSW faculty, Jerrold Michael Grodin, M.D., FACC, not only practiced clinical and interventional cardiology, but also taught house staff at Baylor University Medical Center for 30 years. Immediately following the September 11 attack, Dr. Grodin joined the United States Army, and as a reserve medical officer was called to active duty for three deployments, including two combat tours in Iraq. March 2012, Dr. Grodin left Cardiology Consultants of Texas, the private practice group he co-founded, to dedicate his career to federal service.
He joined the Dallas VA as full-time faculty in the Department of Cardiology, where his staff positions include Director, Outpatient Cardiology Services; and Director of Advanced Structural Heart Disease Valve Clinic.